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  • Ruby Hsieh

2021-2022 MDID Journal Creativity Competition


  • English writing

  • Art

  • Photography

  • Unconventional creations

Congratulations to the winners in each categories!

Winners and Runner-ups

English writing

WINNER: 902 Anderson Hsu, "Saving Money as IB Students"

Genre: persuasive essay, comedy

Artistic Intention: I believe "Saving Money" is a topic of utmost importance... and that, as IB students, we should pay more heed to this world-scale crisis.

RUNNER-UP: 1001 Adriana Infanti, "The Garden"

Genre: poetry

Artistic Intention: The concept for this poem is that two "voices" are guiding a child as they venture through a garden, which symbolises a journey of life, depicting the joy of observing and learning, but also the pain of knowing and losing a sense innocence. The poem uses present tense to create a sense of continuum, depicting the twisted beauty of choosing to live.

PARTICIPATION: 801 Evelyn Ong, Poems

Genre: poetry

Artistic Intention: I like to write poems about abstract things or genuine human emotions. My style of writing is mostly free-verse, my poems rarely rhyme. I focus on the feelings and emotions I portray in my poems instead of rhyming them.

PARTICIPATION: 1002 Kenny Wu, "Lilies of Eden"

Genre: poetry



WINNER: 1102 Aaron Wei

Genre: painting

Size (LxW, mm): 560 x 390

Medium of creation: watercolor paper, watercolor, pencil

Artistic Intention: I want to show the impact of pollution on the environment The mountain in the picture is Yushan in Taiwan. The mountains are piled with rubbish, showing the polluted Yushan. It also shows the carbon dioxide in the sky created by thermal power generation, so that the world knows the seriousness of air pollution. This is a part of my series on the theme of "Influence."

RUNNER-UP: 1002 Michelle Ching

Genre: painting

Size (LxW, mm): 383 x 265

Medium of creation: charcoal, color pencil

Artistic Intention: Depicting Scottish Fold cats' gene disease– osteomalacia– caused by unethical breeding. I used three skeletons to represent different generations and red mark-ups between bone joints to depict intense pain. The hands in the sketch convey the idea of humans treating animals as if they were tools for profit (the composition of the piece is illustrated to be like a puppet show).



RUNNER-UP: 901 Neil Tsai

Artistic Intention: A toy car driving on the beach.


Unconventional Creations

RUNNER-UP: 1002 Harrison Lin, "Screwed Love"

Genre: song

Artistic Intention: Since singing is one of my choices as my future goal, I started to learn how to produce my own music. This song is an opportunity for me to express my own feelings through my lyrics and melody as a perosn who had experienced numerous failed relationships to show how impactful love can be that it can hurt a person deeply.

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